Back in the Uni days we had a chance to rule a heavy machinery workshop. But only at nights. When no one is there. And they didn’t know that we were there. Well sort of.
It was a great opportunity to pursue our countless bike projects and consume a lot of coffee. Also I learned how to operate turning lathe and play, I mean work with oxy cutter. Those nights were so much exciting that everytime we jumped into building something or plotting and making plans, me and my best comrade Gediminas (or just UFO) always looked like we undergoing some night and steel psychosis. Just to be clear – we were not on drugs or alcohol! Just our invented coffee and smokes from welding and grinding. The workshop had nearly all necessary equipment and those sleepless nights helped us alot with getting into retrocross competitions and preparing bikes for the season. Sometimes it was difficult to stop playing with tools and go back to university in the morning without any sleep and survive long lectures.
Oh and here’s an ordinary mug of our night soup – Pokemon coffee. It’s literally a plastic jar from coleslaw filled up with every coffee and chocolate related drink from the wending coffee machine at the place. Or a pizza straight from the freezer, because there’s no time for fancy brunch when we have an empire to build and steal the sun during the night!