Whoever follows my boring blogs probably noticed, that I haven’t posted anything in a while. Two months ago I moved to a new place – free standing house with a really big garage and a massive garden. The owner is a Superannuation fund (Australian future pension fund) and we were the first tenants after they bought this property at the auction. Prior moving in, the offered tenancy looked really good. However, due to serious letting agency incompetence it was (still is) nothing just ongoing hassle. Been battling internet providers and just recently got connected. Won’t get into details, but would like to show few good, bad and interesting stuff that we found here.
The garage is massive and can easily accommodate all the projects we wanted to do, plus have a small workshop and even a chill (man cave) area too. At the front of the garage we could snuggly fit 4 cars if needed. Then walking through Saloon type doors to the workshop area and then to my bike/chill place. So it has a lot of potential and really looking forward to setting up the workshop. Half of the garage actually hanging up above the small stream. The whole place haven’t been properly maintained for a long time and needs some gentle touch here and there. Started to seal big gaps in a garage, readjusted door hinges, locks, tidied up electrics.
Previous owner was some sort of carpenter and was running some heavy duty equipment so we have 3 phase here too. However, the plugs and wiring still lives in 60s or early 70s.
The whole place haven’t been maintained for years, and everything you touch simply brakes into pieces. Had the gas man coming over and firing up a water heating unit with a massive blowtorch and his advice was not to switch it off otherwise he will need to come again and do the same. Another maintenance guy was over to have a look at the heater inside the house and his old father was there too. Soon as he saw the heater he started giggling for himself and said: “That thing is so old that you can’t get parts for it anymore. It’s been imported from England half a century ago. Don’t try to fire it up for a god sake.” Even cooker literally cries for a help, not mentioning wild electrics under the house.
We got some Australian style building temporary-permanent decisions, boats in the garden, flimsy trailer frame with interesting wheels, lots of cockatoos, opossums and various bitey things.
The bike projects were pushed aside till I get garage and rest of the house sorted. Hoping to find decent welder, maybe even a small lathe and other essential appliances that you can plug into the wall and make noise.